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Showing posts from May, 2014

Enjoying my Day-Off

Assalamualaykum..... Alhamdulillah... I finally got to do something that I enjoyed the most..... Busying and lazying myself in my tiny garden. It's the semester break for the Gawai festival. It's working day-off that I longed for. I pampered myself with 3 luxury day-offs just to do things that I want to do but never get the chance to do.... that's gardening. However today, my focus is more on the pond. My 5 years old tortoise had been surviving herself within the pond. There's no proper setting for the poor baby to sit lazily. She had to rest just by hanging to the silicone pipe visible. So today, I wet myself in the pond... get these done for the poor baby. And, Alhamdulillah she's enjoying it .... 2 more off-days to go and I still have a long 'To-do List' waiting. See you around..... Wassalam.

Belum Milik Kita .... Thomas Cup 2014

Assalamualaykum.... Fuhhh! That's all I can say. It was a very interesting game. The fight was till the end. Never that we enjoyed such a game. Full with fighting spirit. Winning or losing is a must in a game. But the fighting spirit that was shown by both teams were great. The last game when Darren met Uweda was a heart throbbing moment. At IBF world rank 66, Darren facing the 25th ranked Uweda was not an easy task. Even though it was an easy lost in the first game, the second and the third game was the most enticing game. I cannot sit still, moving around just to ease myself. Its the fighting spirit that we should applaud them for. One is heavily burdened to bring the trophy to his country, Japan, for the first time while the other was tensed to bring the trophy back to Malaysia after a 22 long years. Losing is not something to be saddened by because in a game one team is destinied to lost when the other is winning. But a game is about fighting and determination.

Golongan yang mendapat bayangan (naungan) Arasy Allah SWT

Assalamualaikum .. Hari ni nak kongsi ilmu yang didengar dari Youtube yang dikupas oleh  Ust Mokhtar Senik. Dirujuk dari buku yang ditulis oleh Ibnu Hajar Al Asqalani – Persiapan-persiapan dan Bekalan bagi Menghadapi Hari yang dijanjikan oleh Allah SWT . Hadis Riwayat Abu Hurairah RA: Nabi bersabda, Ada 7 golongan manusia yang akan dinaungi oleh Allah Taala dengan naungan Arasy Allah Taala pada hari kiamat. Yang pada hari itu tidak ada satu bayangpun melainkan bayangan Arasy Allah. 1.        Imam yang adil. ¾      Pemimpin yang adil. Pemerintah yang mentadbir mengikut hukum Allah. Yang taat pada perintah Allah. ¾      Pemimpin pada semua peringkat. Bapa kepada anak. Ketua jabatan. ¾      Menghalalkan yang halal dan mengharamkan yang haram. 2.        Pemuda yang menyibukkan diri kerana taat pada Allah. ¾      Yang menginfakkan diri untuk agama ¾      Yang menghabiskan usia kerana mentaati Allah ¾      Wakafkan diri untuk Islam terutama orang muda kerana or

2 hari ... 5 Sesi Ilmu

Assalamualaikum Hari ni nak kongsi benda basi. Tapi ianya cukup manis untuk diingati. Karnival Sedekad Surau Platinum Al-Mawaddah Selaras dengan nama surau yang bermakna kasih sayang, tema Karnival juga membawa kepada tema kasih sayang dan kekeluargaan. Kasih sayang merangkumi semua aspek, sayang Allah, sayang Rasul, sayang keluarga, sayang sesama jiran tetangga. Antara barisan ustaz dan aktiviti yang disediakan untuk karnival ini. Secara relatifnya (berbanding jumlah penduduk di kawasan perumahan ini), bilangan yang menghadirkan diri untuk memeriahkan sesi majlis ilmu ini adalah amat mengecewakan. Tetapi program tersebut masih dianggap berjaya, kerana walaupun bilangannya kecil secara relatif, tetapi bilangannya adalah cukup besar bagi sebuah acara yang tidak disulami hiburan. Penglibatan ahli kariah, jalinan ukhuwwah amat terasa eratnya. Inilah antara perkara penting yang menjamin keharmonian suasana tempat tinggal bilamana rumah Allah dijadikan pusat aktiv

Jangan pandang orang....

Assalamualaikum I was at this verse, and it  really struck me. Surah Taha, Verse 131:  وَلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجًا مِّنْهُمْ زَهْرَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ وَرِزْقُ رَبِّكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰ   And do not stretch your eyes after that with which We have provided different classes of them, (of) the splendor of this world's life, that We may thereby try them; and the sustenance (given) by your Lord is better and more abiding. (English - Shakir) via iQuran Allah knows us very well. How often does this happen to us. We tend to look up to what others have. Look up to what others have that we don't. How often do we look down and saying our gratitude to Allah for giving all that we have that others don't. Whether we have it or we don't, all are the test from Allah. If we were blessed with millions of Ringgit. It will really be a test on us. How well we spend the money. Do we share the money with others. How