An-Nisa: 136

Assalamualaikum all,

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Tetapkanlah iman kamu kepada Allah dan RasulNya, dan kepada Kitab Al-Quran yang telah diturunkan kepada RasulNya (Muhammad s.a.w) dan juga kepada Kitab-kitab Suci yang telah diturunkan dahulu daripada itu dan sesiapa yang kufur ingkar kepada Allah dan Malaikat-malaikatNya, dan Kitab-kitabNya dan Rasul-rasulNya dan juga Hari Akhirat, maka sesungguhnya dia telah sesat dengan kesesatan yang amat jauh. (136) 

Clear, and concise. That's a reminder that Allah has given us from this verse. May we are among the mukminin. 
Allah has listed the criteria to become the mukminin. Allah has stated that the mukminin are those that:
1. Belief in Allah 
2. Belief in Rasul
3. Belief in Quran and other Kitab that has been delivered from Allah to the previous Prophets.
4. Belief in Angels
5. Belief in the day Hereafter

These are the pillars for our IMAN. Remember we used to recite the RUKUN IMAN when we were small? It is here in the al-Quran Allah stated the pillars and one other to belief in that is Qadha' and Qadar - that is to belief that Allah is the Most Gracoius and Powerful and had made everything possible according to His Wish. So that we do not have any regrets for whatever happened to us and belief it as a Test from Allah, be it happiness or sadness, all are designed by Allah to test our faith in Allah and Rasul. Let's not just recite the criteria but practice it with heart and iman.



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