
Assalamualaikum all,

Macam best la pulak dapat update blog tiap-tiap hari. Bila menulis blog ni kadang-kadang ada rasa macam bercakap dengan diri sendiri dan ada kalanya rasa macam berbual dengan orang. Tapi kalau nak tulis pun kena la ada isi yang bermanafaat untuk sesiapa sahaja. Mungkin untuk diri sendiri untuk mengingatkan sesuatu kejadian, percutian (- just any happenings), dan juga ilmu yang bermanafaat.

"Diam itu lebih baik dari berkata-kata". There is a truth in this. When you talk less, you make less mistake. However, there are times when you make a mistake just because you keep quiet. Macam mana tu? Konpius tak? Anyway, this got nothing to do with my title up there.

Source: Google searched
Shuhrah is a term I found while reading Solusi (48). I know it sounded out dated, it was on the shelf a month ago, but I only got the opportunity to read it recently. Shuhrah is not a scientific term. Arabic term perhaps. Even though explanation was given in the magazine, its my habit to make a google search. I found this:

From Code of Ethics fro Muslim Men and Women:

Libas ash-Shuhrah: notorious clothing. That clothing which has certain qualities or characteristics that attract the attention of the general public causing one to stand out in a crowd.


That it [the Jilbaab] should not be clothing worn for Shuhrah (seeking to stand out)[1]

Due to the Hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar radiyallaahu‘anhu who said that the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu‘alaihiwasallam said:
“Whoever wears clothing seeking to stand out and be famous in the life of this world, Allaah will dress him with clothing of humiliation on the Day of Resurrection, then it will be set ablaze.”[2]

[Taken from Jilbaab ul-Mar’at-il-Muslimah p121-123 and p 213]

In the article written by Ustaz Dr Zaharuddin Abdul Rahman, he cautioned us to be careful when purchasing a new clothe (sebab edisi kali ni berkenaan raya) (ms 41). He reminded us to be careful and not to purchase a clothe that stands out from the rest of the people which will attract many eyes to it. He quoted the same hadith as above:

"Sesiapa yang memakai pakaian shuhrah di dnunia, Allah akan memakaikannya dengan pakaian kehinaan di akhirat." (H.R Abu Daud)

Ya Allah! Ampunilah kami yang jahil ini dari keterlanjuran ini. Jika kerana kejahilan ini, kami telah mengenakan pakaian shuhrah, Kau ampunilah kami. Dan kerana sifat pelupa kami, Kau peliharalah kami dari  mengenakan pakaian Shuhrah di masa akan datang. Amin Ya Rabb.



  1. salam ziarah n terus polow.. ooo baru tahu yg menarik perhatian itulah yg dimaksudkan dgn shurah... tq ats perkongsian ilmu

  2. thanks Kuazue. Semoga ilmu yang bermanafaat dapat kita kongsi bersama, insyaAllah.


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