Assalamualaikum dear readers,
Clock time is 12.50pm. It's lunch break. The throat sores. Not because of any infection but due to too much talking. Alhamdulillah, one task completed on this first day of the week. Entertaining guest from Unisza, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Trengganu. There were 8 of them from the Department of Multimedia, Faculty of Informatics, UniSZA. They were here to see the facilities that we have in our faculty.
Alhamdulillah, it was a fruitful event. We share ideas and opinions. Thanks to En Yunus and PM Azizah Murad for being there too. PM Azizah as the head of Corporate Unit for the faculty and En Yunus on the technical specification of the Lab. May this short encounter will lead too many more friendship and collaboration. Talking to them made me realized how old I am as they were all very young an energetic (except for the tour leader, En Mohd Attar, I think he is about my age). During the meeting, the Dean pointed out a new and interesting form of relationship, the COLLABORATORIES. It is interesting and a good idea. I really hope that this will lead to a new endeavour for students and lecturers. Especially after 2015 when we will have less students doing Final Year Projects. Having students from other university doing their project here is indeed very interesting. Also, I think it is about time we take a closer look at the way our FYP is being conducted,
Clock time is 12.50pm. It's lunch break. The throat sores. Not because of any infection but due to too much talking. Alhamdulillah, one task completed on this first day of the week. Entertaining guest from Unisza, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Trengganu. There were 8 of them from the Department of Multimedia, Faculty of Informatics, UniSZA. They were here to see the facilities that we have in our faculty.
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