Damba CintaMu by Raihan

Assalamualaikum dearest readers,

This is not a new song. I've listened to this before but it did not touched as it did recently. I recently listened to this again during the 'Cinta Masjid' Carnival in the 'Selangor Berselawat' which was aired direct from the Masjid Negeri Shah Alam.

It was beautifully sung. Just listen to the lyrics carefully. It was a beautiful lyric and can definitely make the tears come rolling.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan alMubarak. Semoga kita sama-sama sempat menempuhinya dan berlumba-lumba untuk mengutip imbuhan besar yang dijanjikan oelh Allah SWT kepada hamba2Nya yang bertaqwa.

Semoga kita mendapat magfirah dariNYA.

