Dear Blog,

Dear blog,

It's been weeks since my last visit. I was so busy lately that it does not permit me to even have a peek at you. How I dearly missed you. I composed beautiful stories for you everyday in my mind. As days grow in numbers, the stories were gone and flash came a new one. Oh Blog! How I missed you dearly.

What am I doing now? Oh, blog, I wish I could shout it loud how busy I am now. Even if i work 24/7 non-stop, i doubt my office task will ever complete. I wish everything is completed. When will it be? When I hand-in my resignation (which I don't think I will be doing) or till I retire?

Dearest blog,
Today, despite my heavy schedule, I just could not resist myself to come to you. To finally share with you. Bit and pieces of my hectic schedule, too many deadlines to fulfill. I wish, I wish, I wish ... I could do it in a Zapppp. I have grant applciation to complete, I have my OBE document to complete, I have my curiculum review on my sleeves, and as though all these are not up to the nose, I also have a new curiculum to design. That are excluding my teaching and marking and consultation. There are days where I finished my day only by entertaining the too many adhoc request. O Blog, I miss my peaceful working hours, where I can sit and read articles, books and writes effectively.

Before I pen-off ... keyboard-off is a better phrase, I guess. I just want to inform you that besides all those I mentioned above, i also had to be involve in the MediaQuest and the Koir Amal that are scheduled 12th and 25th March consecutively.

Blog dearie,
Yes, i am relieved that now I have spoken to you with my un-audible words.

Hope to visit you again in the near future.


Blog owner
