
Salam Alaikum,

This morning while getting ready to office, I had the chance to listen to the morning tazkirah programme on TV9, Tanyalah Ustaz. Read the sentence closely, listening to the TV. Ye lah, pagi-pagi ni mana la sempat nak duduk-duduk nonton TV sambil menghirup kopi panas dan roti bakar .... wahhhh .... sedapnya. Ok Ok, back to the topic. Takabbur was the topic discussed by the Ustaz this morning, second day, actually. Some of the gist, or the essence on how to get rid of takabbur is to learn from the ulama', followed Rasulallah s.a.w and his sunnah.

Takabbur can be considered as being snobbish to Allah. We are considered snobbish when we think we are good or better than others. I'm sure, at times we do feel that way. Therefore, that's the resason why we need to astaghfar often because we might not realized that we have been a snob, look down at others. Only Allah is the greatest, no other. We are not any better than any other human being as everybody is good in their own way.

According to the Ustaz,

"Diriwayatkan, Saidina Ali r.a berkata, 'Adakah kamu ingin melihat ahli neraka?'. Tanya sahabat, 'Siapakah mereka wahai Ali?'. Jawab Ali, 'Mereka adalah orang muda yang duduk seorang diri sedang orang lain di sekelilingnya sedang berdiri. Merekalah ahli neraka.'"
That is to show how a very simple thing (we thought so) can be considered as takabbur. Kalau orang Melayu mungkin kata kurang adab. Tetapi AWAS! ianya mungkin lebih bahaya dari sekadar kurang adab. BErhati2lah kita dalam tindak tanduk kita.

How do we know if whatever we do is considered takabbur? That, I did not get the actual explanation from the ustaz through the programme. But, in my personal humble opinion, it is when we think we are better and deserves better, we might fall in this category. So, whenever we do feel this way, let us just say 'Astagfirullah al-Azim'. Amin.

May today is better than yesterday.

