Berkongsi ilmu

I must write this down before I forget. Where should I write this? Well, the blog is a good place, it's not only for me but also for anybody who reads it. May those who read this will benefit from it.

I was getting ready to the office when I turned on the TV. It was Ustaz Zahazan on the TV together with Mr Fetri Yahya for the MHI Friday slot. They were discussing about the husband-wife realtionship and family ties. It was a very good topic indeed as it involves us all, you and me.

I am not able to tell all, but there are few things that triggered me:

1. A wife is complaining about her husband. She claims that it is almost like she is the one who supports the family alone.

Ustaz's answered: Ada riwayat yang mengatakan, seorang isteri yang memenuhi kelemahan suami, diakhirat kelak dia akan berlumba-lumba untuk masuk ke syurga bersama Rasulallah. Subhanallah.

The support may not only be financial but also in educating the children. But, the husbands should never let the wife run it alone. The weaknesses must be something that cannot be changed. For example, if financial support due to the husband has less income compared to the wife, etc.

2. A father asked, how can he find a good husband for his daughter.

Ustaz's answered: Apa yang kita buat itulah yang kita dapat. Dalam ayat al-Quran juga ada mengatakan bahawa perempuan yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik. Oleh itu, didiklah anak kita menjadi anak yang baik, soleh dan solehah. Sentiasalah tanamkan dalam jiwa anak-anak agar mencintai Allah dan Rasul. Selalulah mengajak anak-anak berbuat kebajikan. InsyaAllah, seterusnya Allah akan menunaikan janji Allah.

In English, there's a proverb: What goes around, comes around. This is very true. Islam is beautiful, only we do not realize and fail to realize all the beautiful in Islam. Or perhaps we realize it but not as a whole. wallahua'lam.

3. A wife was depressed because after 4 years of marriage, they were still without any child. She has asked the permission of the husband to adopt a child but the husband refuses. She was asking the best way to make her husband understand her situation.

Ustaz's answered: i) untuk mendapatkan anak, ramai alim ulamak termasuk Hassan al-Basri bila ditanyakan hal ini akan menganjurkan agar memperbanyakkan beristighfar kepada Allah. Menurut ustaz, anak itu adalah rezeki dan telah Allah janjikan rezeki bersama setiap zuriat itu. Oleh itu, menurut ustaz, perbanyakkan istighfar, perbanyakkan bersedekah (tanpa menunjuk-nunjuk) terutamanya di hari Jumaat. Dan senjata paling utama adalh berdoa dan bertahajjud.

ii) untuk memahamkan suami, menurut ustaz, perlu dicari orang tengah yang terdiri dari seseorang yang amat dihormati oleh suami seperti kawan baik, ustaz, imam atau mungkin ibunya (this is my suggestion). Biarkan mereka yang bercakap bagi pihak isteri.

These are some few things that I gathered this morning.

Ilmu yang sedikit jika diamalkan menjadi bekalan berpanjangan.



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