
Anak-anak adalah anugerah Allah yang tidak ternilai. Kurniaan teristimewa yang Allah berikan kepada pasangan suami isteri. Pelengkap sebuah kehidupan berkeluarga. Tapi ..... ia tidak diberikan percuma, ia datang bersama sebuah AMANAH dan TANGGUNGJAWAB. Apakah mampu aku melaksanakannya???

Jewels of my heart

I have always asked myself,
... am I a good mother?
... did I fulfill my responsibility as required?
... am I there when they needed me?
... did I do anything wrong in raising them to become Khalifah of Allah?

My dear children, remember this ...

... I might not be the best mom in the world, but I love all of you the most in the whole world, no love could ever compared to the love that I have for all of you.

... I might sometimes be a little hard, but I did all this because my love for you. Wanting to see all of you become khalifah that Allah has always wants us to be.

... I might sometimes be over protactive, but my love for you all has resulted in this. There's a cruel and mean world that you live now.

... I might sometime seems too difficult, too many 'nos' and 'don'ts', but believe me, my love for you is trying to distance you from all the wrongdoing that you did not realize yet.

Please trust me, that, everything I do, I do it for you, because ....


  1. not only the best mother,but u are the greatly aunty as well..



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