Good Morning Sayang ....


Ibu : "Ibu ni suka berleter ke?". Si Ibu cuba mengorek pandangan anak.

Anak : "hurmmm ....". Panjang fikirannya. Mungkin ingin menjawab secara jujur, tapi bimbang mengecilkan hati ibunya.

Ibu: "Cepatlah". Ibu terus mendesak untuk mendapatkan kepastian.

Anak : "Bukanlah berleter ... tapi...". Anak masih begitu berhati-hati untuk memberikan pandangan. Hati ibu tetap perlu dijaga. Seterusnya, anak menyambung.

Anak : "Bila ibu kejut tu ... terus jerit-jerit suruh bangun. Terus hilang mood pagi tu. Kalau ibu kejut sambil puji-puji, lembut-lembut, mesti terus good mood". Akhirnya anak berterus terang meluahkan rasa hati. 

Ibu berfikir sejenak. Luahan hati anak perlu dipertimbangkan. Pada masa yang sama, ibu perlu nyatakan justifikasi tindakan ibu.

Ibu: "Kalau ibu lembut-lembut, anak-anak tak bangun .." Ibu memberikan justifikasi untuk tindakan yang dilakukan.

Anak : "Bangun ... tapi lambat sikit la nak bergerak. Tapi hati dah happy. Mood dah ceria pagi tu". Anak pulak memberikan sisinya.

Ibu : "Ok, lain kali ibu kejut dengan puji-pujian. Tapi janji ... kena bangun tau". Ibu akhirnya bersetuju dengan permintaan anak tersebut.


It looks like a very simple conversation between mother and daughter, but it has a huge impact on emotional being of both parties. 

First, the mother now understands how the daughter feels toward her action. The mother will now change the way she acts towards the daughter when waking her up. Mother needs to manage her temper, manage her emotion when dealing with the children for positive impact.

Second, the daughter will have an emotional satisfaction, when she feels appreciated. Her voices were listened. She hopes to begin her day by listening to the beautiful words from the mother. Comforting words. 

Well, it sounds easy. Easier said than done. It requires some effort. It requires cooperation from both parties.

One important point here is, GOOD COMMUNICATION between parents and their children. At times, the parents should make themselves the good listener and listen to the children's point of view. And at times, the parents' words are the command that the children must obey regardlessly.

Let's change for a betterment.

